Most of the Blackberries or Bramble Rubus fruiticosus agg seem to be shrivelled up now, but we did see some that were still big and luscious.
We saw some delightfully red berries from Lords-and-Ladies Arum maculatum
Lords-and-Ladies berries (and ivy surrounding)
Some what I believe might be Field Fleawort (along with a bee who was struggling in the wind - hence the slightly blurred photograph)
Field Fleawort (?) and bee
There were quite a large number of thistles of all different types, or rather to my untrained eye they seemed as though they might be different! but one particular one was very pretty and seems as though it might be a Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense. Maybe we need to obtain some other field guides as the one I have is a little bit limited.
Creeping Thistle (?)
As we came back towards home I found another of the plants which I am in two minds about. Either it is Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium or Upright Hedge-Parsley Torilla japonica which seem very similar. I'm tending towards the Upright Hedge-Parsley I think.
Hogweed or Upright Hedge-Parsley or something else
At least there was something else we did know, our dear old friend the every reliable Rowan Sorbus aucuparia, with some lovely coloured berries, and a fantastic specimen.
It was at this point that my darling wife came up to us with some news that she'd found something really quite amazing, and she wanted us to see it. We were very excited and followed her with a spring in our steps...
But more of that later... watch this space ;-)
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